
Concept for increasing the clarity and acceptance of architectural projects through augmented reality accompanying planning and construction

In the master thesis “Augmented Reality can contribute to the vividness and acceptance of architectural projects in expert-layman communication accompanying planning and construction” I describe in detail the topic of augmented reality (AR) as a medium of architectural communication.

It defines its importance in the mediation of architectural content during the planning and construction phase and analyzes its advantages over other media. Through AR, comprehension problems in the population are solved and through its vividness cognitive differences between laymen and experts are compensated, which can lead to resistance or counter-initiatives in the further course of the planning and construction phases. In the planning and construction phases, the spatial experience of the design at a 1:1 scale leads to greater identification with the architectural project on the part of the recipient. With additional consideration of factors such as cost, flexibility, and creation, AR offers the greatest potential for architectural mediation among all mediation methods.
The use and implementation of these methods will be examined through representative case studies and research projects.

It is shown that AR is suitable for the presentation of architectural projects up to the scale of urban construction projects, despite limiting factors. As a medium of mediation and information, it is accepted by lay people and developers, and its contribution to vividness is confirmed and appreciated by these groups. AR can mediate neutrally, strengthen understanding, and contribute to increased participation in the participation process, in addition to the pure gain of information.

However, among the target group within the architectural community and decision-makers, the potential users, there is an information deficit combined with false assumptions and prejudices towards AR, which means that it has not yet found its way into practice in real construction projects in Germany.

To establish AR with its benefits as a method of architectural mediation in the target group, a three-phase communication concept is developed. The concept is divided into introduction, sensitization and mediation. Through this communication concept, the architect learns an analytical basic determination, the handling of AR and thus becomes an AR architecture mediator.


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2015, academic paper & seminar concept
121 pages